First 6 months at OCM working as a dental nurse. My first impression and more.
My journey here at OCM started when I found out that there was a dental nurse position available back in June 2017. I contacted the practice and applied for the job but I also did a lot of research on the practice. I read their entire website to see how they operate and what they offer and asked around to see if they were nice to work for. I was pleased to find out that their staff are happy and only had good things to say about the practice.
A couple of days later I got called for an interview and when I arrived at the practice I was welcomed by a lovely receptionist and brought to the waiting room which looked more like a luxurious living room. High sealings, cosy leather couches, relaxing music and candles beautiful fireplaces and soft carpet through the practice. I must admit I was impressed. I was met by the management team and the receptionists. There were 5 people waiting for me in the room. I was nervous. I did not expect to be interviewed by 5 people. The interview was very organised and well planned from the practice side as it was held by one dentist and the rest of the team joined in in-between the questions. They asked all the routine job interview questions and also about my previous dental nursing work experience. I was very nervous at the beginning but with every question I felt more relaxed. They were professional but also nice. My feelings changed from being nervous to being curious and by the time we were finished I had a big smile on my face and felt quite relaxed. There was one thing that stood out and it made a huge difference in how I felt the days while I was waiting for their phone call. Just before I left, the dentist that interviewed me said ” great interview Mira, Good job” and by saying that he made my day and put me at ease.
I got the job and couple of weeks later I was ready to start. The practice was very organised and there was a protocol or a policy for everything you can think of. They had a system for everything and the practice run smoothly like a well oiled machine. Everyone knew exactly what their job was for the day and every issue was solved within seconds. Even though I was fully qualified and trained dental nurse I felt overwhelmed by all the information that was around me. The first few weeks were hard as I was trying to take in as much information as possible but I never felt under pressure. They gave me plenty of time to learn. The dentists were lovely to work with and always allowed enough time for me to prepare the surgery between patients and answered all my questions.
I have now worked here for 6 months and I can not say a single bad word about this practice. Trey provide continuous training in all areas we need to do our job the best way we can. They brought the whole team to the Irish Dentistry Awards when we were shortlisted as one of the finalists and paid for everything including a fancy 5 star hotel for the night. We have staff meetings once a month to make sure everyone is on the same page and morning huddles to start our day. We have staff appraisals every 6 months to make sure staff are happy and are doing their job as efficiently as possible and we get a day off for our birthday. Sounds amazing right? I am very happy in this practice and I know I have done the right thing accepting this job. I look forward to my career at O’Connor Moore dental practice and I am happy to have a job that I love.